Cherry Pie : Clarins HydraQuench Mask

9 July 2013

Clarins HydraQuench Mask

Clarins HydraQuench Mask
Clarins HydraQuench Mask - £33
Clarins HydraQuench Mask
Hooray for another product making my pile of favourites! I was really keen to try another face mask as I have been using my Origins one for quite a while now and although it smells amazing and does great things, my skin tends to get a bit used to products and they tend to stop having an effect. The Clarins HydraQuench is not like a normal mask, it's a thick Sudocream like consistency which you put on and leave for five to ten minutes. It doesn't dry like a clay mask so there's no uncomfortable tightness or cracking and it's really easy to remove with the swipe of a cotton wool pad doused in warm water.

I suppose this mask pretty much does what it says on the tin. It leaves my skin feeling super soft and well hydrated. It's great for my sensitive skin too as there's no unpleasant tingling or stinging sensation. You only need a small amount so this is going to last me absolutely ages!

I use this probably about once a week at the moment but I'm thinking of upping this to twice a wee, just because I like the way my skin feels after. I used this when I came back from London on Saturday to give my skin a good clean after being in the boiling hot weather and pollution of the city and it felt great afterwards. I'd definitely recommend!


  1. I love the sound of this! I have horrible dry patches.. well not that horrible, but they wont go away so this might be the perfect solution, and everyone love Clarins :D xx

    Gemma | ♥ Miss Makeup Magpie


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