Last week's autumn home wishlist went down really well so I thought I would perhaps make it a more regular thing. Ever since moving into our house I've wanted to redecorate the bathroom. Although we're only renting, it's still nice to be in a place you actually like - at the moment the walls are a horrible green colour so I think, when we've got a bit of money to spare, it's time to tackle the bathroom.
I've been finding it really difficult to think of a colour to paint the bathroom. I didn't want to paint it a traditional sea blue colour and I don't want it all white either. I recently spotted some bathroom accessories in Sainsburys, which were a pretty duck egg blue colour and I thought this might be a nice way to go. The bathroom isn't very big and there's not actually that much to paint, just one wall and a bit above the window, but a little bit of colour with the white tiles would be nice.
Through researching for this wishlist I came across the white and dark blue bathroom accessories and I really like these too, so now I'm pretty torn as to what colour to go for. What would you suggest?