Cherry Pie : Goodness Me

7 June 2009

Goodness Me

What a palarva Friday was! I spent practically the whole day refreshing my Hotmail inbox and I never recieved her damn email! Though I swear she doesn't believe me. However! The interview went ahead regardless. Vince and Josh offered to go to the Joiners for me and ask the questions for me! (Thank you!) but they didn't need to as at about 5:30 the home phone rang and my dad answered, (He said he thought it was someone selling something and was going to swear at them, luckily he didn't) then passed it to me and I hear this American voice on the other end. It was Angel, the guitarist from Aiden, ringing me and telling me that he still wanted to do the interview! I thought that was extremely nice of him but I soooo wasn't prepared for a phone interview. For one, my shorthand has completely leaked out of my brain so I had to write down his answers very quickly and try and remember any bits I missed out, but I think it turned out OK as I was quite good at remembering what he said. I was so glad he called because it means I can use it towards my dissertation and also send it to a magazine to take a look at (which they said they would be happy to do!). It was great of him to take time out of his busy day, rehearsing for a gig etc..and phone little old me and answer my questions.

This interview made me decide to start practising short hand again so I have purchased my equipment, i.e: Pencils, Ruler and a Notebook and I will practise, practise, practise. I've also decided to take a look at Telephone recording equipment so I can record any future telephone interviews. I didn't think at the time but I could have put my phone on loud speaker and use the dictaphone to record it but I was so rushed and unprepared that I didn't think!

The band should hopefully be back in November, where I will try and arrange a more professional interview! For now, I'm quite happy as I have something towards my dissertation. =] Good times.

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