For as long as I can remember I have loved to read. I have tons and tons of books at my mum and dad's house from when I was younger - loads of Jacqueline Wilsons and Roald Dahls all saved up for no reason other than I don't want to throw them away. I also have quite the collection of books here at my house as well as I still love snuggling up and reading a good book.
The Devil wears Prada was a book that I really enjoyed. I enjoy the film equally and when I saw the sequel book had been published I was really keen to read it. I had it for quite a while before I actually read it as I was going through a bit of a non-reading spell.
When I did finally pick it up I was hooked for only a while. It was great to have the old familiar characters back as well as some new ones and to read about Andy's adventures almost 10 years on. The book finds Andy as Editor of The Plunge wedding magazine, trying her hardest not to be so Miranda Priestly about being in charge, and planning her own wedding to a media mogul.
The books trundles along nicely. I wasn't expecting anything super thrilling from a chick-lit book but at one point I put the book down for a good week and temporarily forgot about it. To me that's not really a good sign. I want a book to grip me and not let me put it down.
When I did pick it up again I found the story pretty predictable if I'm honest. We follow Andy on her wedding day and through her life as an Editor. We also follow her as she makes one of the most difficult decisions of her professional life with regards to her magazine, The Plunge and Miranda Priestly's publishing agency, Elias Clarke.
As I mentioned it was great to have old faces back, I particularly enjoyed welcoming back Emily and of course, Miranda, but I feel Miranda wasn't in the book nearly as much as I'd hoped. In The Devil wears Prada I found it really enjoyable to read about the ice queen herself and her wicked ways so I was disappointed to not have as much Miranda this time around. I've read a couple of reviews elsewhere and this seems to be quite a popular opinion of the book.
At times the book is quite exciting and it's great to follow Andy through her life but as I mentioned previously, I found the storyline quite predictable and actually guessed what was going to happen quite early on. When it does happen it's all very quick. The 'twist', if you can really call it that is over pretty rapidly and the book ends quite abruptly. It picks up again one year later and not much really happens, which left me feeling really disappointed. It does end on a bit of a 'I wonder what happens next' note but i don't think it's anything worth picking up again in a third book.
I loved The Devil wears Prada movie, it's one of my faves, but if they were to make the sequel to it I'm afraid it would be pretty dull. The book is an easy read, nothing too troubling but in the movie world it would read as boring.
I'm so disappointed by the book but I'm glad I read it and got to find out what happened to Andy and Emily and of course, the famous Miranda.
Have you read Revenge wears Prada? What did you think?