There are scary times five months time I will have finished University and finished education for good. Of course, that means I have to start thinking about what I'm going to do after University. Obviously I would love to go straight into a job in the magazine industry but with the recession there is not much out there. It's hard enough to get unpaid work experience so getting a paid full time job..well, it doesn't look good.
One option is to move back home and freelance. I'm already freelancing for, but I would like to write for magazines also. As well as freelancing I would have to get a job..probably back at Sandbay, while applying for Journalism jobs at the same time.
Another option is to apply to be the editor of the University magazine. Now I think I would be good at it but the person who gets the job is based on votes..I'm not good at public speaking and lets face it, I don't know many people so I don't think I would get voted in. Plus, even if I did do it, it would mean that the same problems would arise again after another year. However, it does mean that I would be able to stay in Southampton for another year with Vince as he has a year left of Uni.
It's all very confusing and I'm not sure what to do at all. I feel like I need some sort of guidance about what to do..there should be some sort of talk at University I can visit but that doesn't seem to be the case. We have a CV building workshop but that won't help me find a job, that will just help me have a snazzy CV. :\ Help!
Your school doesn't have advisors?