Well, as I sit here I genuinely can't believe that I now hold a 2:1 BA Hons degree to my name. Results were out on Friday so as I was still up when the clock struck twelve, I decided to try my luck and have a sneaky peek...and there was my 2:1 staring back at me! I couldn't believe it, I really thought I had mucked things up as I didn't really do very well on my Major Project. I was really disappointed about that because I really enjoyed doing it and I thought I did a good job. Now I just have to wait until November until I am an official Graduate!!
On Monday I went to visit Vince in Southampton. We hadn't seen eachother for a month so it was really nice. We didn't do much except relaxing and watching TV, during the days Vince was pretty busy recording tracks so I had to amuse myself with tidying their house and sorting out our new bedroom.
I also had another agenda for visiting Southampton which was for an interview. The interview was for a Web Content Writer Internship that lasts for a year, starting in September. I think it went quite well, apart from the fact I slipped and twisted my ankle five minutes before! Typical me: clumsy. I was a bit nervous to begin with but I think I grew a bit more confident and chatty. It really helps that I'm currently already writing for the Southampton Solent website about the Uni's involvement with Glastonbury festival.
Thank you for all your congratulations on the last post! As I said, I can't believe it myself! I'm back at work now so blogs will be a little fewer but hopefully when I do blog, they'll be a little more interesting!
congratulations x