Genres will undoubtedly come and go, and what will be popular in one year, won’t be popular in another. New bands will come along and recycle genres, which is exactly what is happening within the murky depths of the music business as bands such as A Day To Remember are bringing melodic metal music back to the masses.
Does anyone really want to hear continuous screaming from an album anymore? Working in melodies, choruses and lyrics that listeners can really get into, show a band that have real musical talent and aren’t afraid of putting in the hard work. While A Day To Remember represent the US, bands such as Shadows Chasing Ghosts are working tirelessly to get to their music heard by the UK masses.
This week, Shadows Chasing Ghosts appear in the ‘Introducing’ section of the UK’s biggest music magazine, Kerrang! With over 40,000 readers being introduced to the ripping sounds of Shadows Chasing Ghosts, it is clear that the band are on their way to the top. Their debut album ‘The Golden Ratio’ is set to be released on August 2nd and from here on out, we’ll definitely be hearing lots more from this band.
‘The Golden Ratio’ certainly doesn’t hold back. From the very opening note, the album attacks it’s listener, ripping their ear drums to shreds with the blistering ‘Girl in Sheep’s Clothing’ and the brutal ‘You Ain’t Got The Minerals.’
There is definitely no time to stop and have a rest with this album, it’s like a boxer that won’t back down for 12 rounds, continuously beating pretty new bruises into your face. With each track, there’s a new twist – a chanting ending to the more melodic ‘Searchlights’ and the most intricate of riffs in the opening of ‘S.O.S.’
Surrounded by heavyweights such as ‘Thumbelina’s Story’ and ‘Sunlight,’ sits an acoustic track in the form of ‘Timelines.’ It certainly makes a nice change and is a welcome surprise but the listener will be craving something a little heavier while it plays out.
There is no doubt that the album’s closing track ‘With The Best Intentions’ would do well if released as a single, it’s certainly tooth wrenching enough to please the metal fans but it also has the right dose of mainstream rock riffs to please potential new fans.
SCG are probably sick to death of being compared to other bands that are currently on the scene. Fortunately I believe the band have their own distinct sound, and the longer you listen to ‘The Golden Ratio,’ the more layers you unravel. There is definitely something for everyone, there’s no doubt that hardcore metal fans could appreciate it and give it their respect, while those that aren’t into full on screaming and like a bit more melody in their music, can definitely get well into the album.
‘The Golden Ratio’ is possibly one of the best albums I’ve heard in 2010 so far, and there is no question that SCG are tipping over the edge into fully fledged rock star status.
Review by Cherry Pullinger