So since my last blog which was almost a week ago, I haven't particularly done much. About three weeks ago I was contacted by a girl from my University asking me to write a feature for Solent's website about Glade Festival and the Solent tent that we have this year, she also asked me to write a feature for the on site program that is made and designed by the Uni, but I need some vital information before I can start and that is the line up for the Solent tent which nobody has told me yet! It's so frustrating because they need the articles a.s.a.p but the people I've emailed haven't got back to me and the line up isn't announced anywhere else. All I have at the moment is a press release which a rather boring quote which I really don't want to use. All I know is that my boyfriends band Statement Code will be playing but I can't really write the whole feature about them. :P
In other news, I have been able to contact Victory Records and set up an interview with Aiden when they play at the Joiners in Southampton. It means taking a day off work, but it's a good bit of experience. I interviewed them back in 2007 and it was my first ever interview so I was quite nervous, but now I think I will be a lot better at it. They have a new album out and theres been lots of features in magazines for me to use as research, so hopefully I can come up with some decent questions. I bought a new digital dictaphone that plugs into the computer but it's really confusing to use so I need to get used to that. This interview will be great for my dissertation as I want to write for an existing magazine and this is something I can possibly use, but I've also contacted a magazine to see if their interested in it too.
My third year dissertation is approaching and we've been told to have a think about what we want to do and come up with ideas, which I have been doing, but now I can't decide if I want my lecturer to help me out with it or my old Music Journalism teacher. He doesn't have set office hours or an office for that matter so it would be hard to get hold of him, but he definitely knows what he's talking about. Tricky.
I had a lovely shopping trip the other day, all by myself which sometimes is best. I spent way too much money but if I've got it and theres things I want to buy, then why not. I bought my new dictaphone, underwear, Bride Wars DVD, three quarter length jeans, vest top, socks and earrings. The clothes are very summery which is unlike me, the vest top has a really nice picture of Paris and the Eiffel Tower on it which I love. I also got Vince a little present for when it's out 1 year anniversary, but I need to get something else aswell!
I'm thinking of getting a digital camera as the one I have now is rubbish!
It's 13 Mega Pixels and only cost £100, I think thats pretty good and it will be really good for when I go on holiday.
I've been working all week at the Holiday camp, it's been 'Big Band' week which is really boring and full of really snobby people who don't give tips! This weekend is 'Winemakers Weekend' and the bar has been empty because they bring their own wine! I'm not complaining though, I've only had to work 2:30-7pm this weekend, oh yehhhh.
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