Cherry Pie : July 'Jet Set' Birchbox

29 July 2013

July 'Jet Set' Birchbox

July Birchbox

July Birchbox

I haven't ordered a beauty box in SO long. I remember when they were really popular and every month every single blog would be reviewing the same box. I'm glad it kind of died down a bit as if you really think about it it's a lot of money to spend every single month.

On a whim I decided to sign up for the Birchbox. I never signed up the first time round so I decided to give it a go as I'd seen the June box reviewed on a couple of blogs and I was semi-impressed so hoped I'd be just as impressed with the July box.

On first opening the box I wasn't impressed but now I've looked deeper and have given the products a try I am quite happy with it. Leave-in conditioner, great. New lightweight moisturiser, even better. More Weleda skin food, a bonus and a new gel eyeliner, bingo!

I probably won't have much use for the blush but it's so tiny and cute I'm sure I can find it a good home. The 'theme' of the box is 'jet set' so these products should come in handy for when your travelling, however I don't ever travel so that's a bit useless for me. I think themed boxes are a little pointless as we all know the company just throw in whatever they can get their hands on that month. These aren't products I would reach for on my travels.

I'll admit I have unsubscribed from the box now as it was just a bit of a one off and I would quite like to try out some other boxes that have made their way onto the market during the lull.

Were you impressed with the July Birchbox?


  1. This was the crappest box i've recieved! They gave you THREE products that they have used in previous boxes (skin food, eyeliner and detangler!) outrageous!

  2. I feel like that about beauty boxes as well...I was really jealous before because we didn't have any beauty boxes in Sweden. But now when we have a few over here I'm not that excited about it haha :)

  3. I really loved this months box, mine had a couple of different products though. That Blanc moisturiser is my new favourite thing x

  4. Oooh I've never actually heard of them before! They look pretty cool :)

    Sarah x

  5. That tiny blush is so cute, I was going to sign up to Birchbox but I decided to try some other beauty boxes first, I signed up for Beauteco Box and SoukSouk Little Green Beauty Box.
    : ]


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