Cherry Pie : General goals for 2016

5 January 2016

General goals for 2016

I don't think I made any personal goals/NY resolutions for 2015 so I thought I'd make a few for 2016. I didn't want to make the type of resolutions that I definitely wouldn't be able to stick to, such as stop eating junk food and that sort of thing, so I've tried to come up with some that I would be more likely to stick to. Just to give myself a bit of a chance!

Have more family/friends round for dinner/an evening
This is definitely something I want to do more of this year. We recently moved house and we have had two friends and Vince's family round and it's always really nice so it's something I definitely want to do more of, not that I usually do the cooking though, oops!

Keep up with my crochet
In 2015 my mum and I took up crochet and amazingly, we've stuck to it. I really didn't think we would. I thought we'd get fed up after a few weeks. Admittedly it has taken a bit of a back seat over Christmas but with our classes starting back up again this week, I want to get right back into it and finally finish a few projects.

Find a new exercise class/join a gym
2015 was also the year I took up exercise on a more regular basis, which is really weird for me! It started around February time when I took up spinning and did Yoga at home. I then went to Aerobics regularly with my sister. We did get a bit bored of the class so I've been looking for something new to take up for a while now. It's tricky to find something that's on late enough for me to go to after work so I am still searching. I will either take up a new class or sign up to one of the local gyms.

Possibly go on a short break away
This is a really tricky one due to Vince's job. He is a chef so works mornings and evenings and it's very hard for him to plan when he can take time off, which therefore means it's very tricky to plan any sort of getaway, especially as at my work I have to give at least a month's notice for time off. You can see our predicament... we did somehow manage to book a week off together in July of 2015 but we ended up having to move house so it wasn't very relaxing. I'd like to go away on a long weekend trip to Europe or even somewhere else in the UK, it would just be nice to get away and be in a different environment for a few days!

What are your goals and resolutions for 2016?


  1. They sounds like good all round goals! Crochet sounds interesting, is it hard?
    Good luck with them all!

    Allie x
    Rush + Teal

    1. No, it's easy once you get the hang of it!

  2. I got into crochet last year but did it using youtube videos. This year i would love to find a class to attend. X

    1. I much prefer going to a class and having a real person helping me!

  3. Love the goal about having friends and family think I'll make that one of mine! It's always something me and my friends/family agree to do around Christmas and no one ever follows through haha ....really does require effort but so important to make time for loved ones :) x

  4. These sound lovely and I used to do crochet with my grandma when I was little but never got back into it. Hope you get to accomplish them all.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

  5. These are great goals! I don't think I've made any to be honest, only to look after myself more/put myself first! x

  6. Lovely list of goals - I'm also looking to do some more exercise that I actually enjoy this year, because last year I did practically none. Also crocheting sounds really fun!

    Lucy |

  7. I need to find an exercise class too, I hate exercise so I need something to make it enjoyable

    Lauren x |

  8. This is a great list of goals. I have a lot of similar ones. Lets do it! xoxo

  9. I also want to join a gym this year and be more healthy in general! x

  10. Great, achievable goals I think! My flat is too small to have people over for dinner which is a shame, but I definitely need to make more of an effort to see people! You say crochet and I say sewing for me as my god I am not good at craft haha xxx


    1. I'm not good at crafts either but I seem to have got the hang of Crochet!

  11. I tried to crochet once, didn't happen! Good luck with your goals! Xx

    1. I love crochet, you should give it another go. Thank you!

  12. It's so good once you get the hang of it, keep trying!


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