Cherry Pie : New Year's Eve Nails

31 December 2015

New Year's Eve Nails

New Year's Eve Nails
New Year's Eve Nails
New Year's Eve Nails
New Year's Eve Nails

Last year I wrote a post featuring some nail polishes for New Year's Eve and it went down really well, so I thought I'd give it another go this year. Of course I just had to include an Essie polish as it always releases such fab polishes in time for the party season, I picked up the new 'Fringe Factor,' which has been calling out to me for the past few weeks from its shelf in Boots. It is the perfect polish for NYE and features gunmetal and pink confetti-like pieces, perfect for partying!

Rimmel's new range of Love Glitter polishes have also been catching my eye recently. The colourful shards of glitter look great on their own or used as a top coat over a white or silver base. I love the blue/green 'A Crush on You'.

Barry M's 'Sparkling Amethyst' polish featured in my traditional Christmas nails post, but I thought it would work equally well as a NYE nail as it's super sparkly.

As per last year I'm spending NYE at Vince's parents house, stuffing myself silly with delicious food - how are you spending your NYE? Let me know in the comments. See you on the other side!


  1. LOVE all three nail designs! Glitter is all about christmas and new years eve time!
    Charlotte //

  2. It's going to be a hard decision of which one to go for!

  3. Oh it'd be very hard to pick just one! The Barry M paint is gorgeous, I like the finish. The glitters are pretty too, love the look of the Essie one xx

    Jasmine ||

  4. the Barry M nail polish is gorgeous! <3

  5. I love all 3 but I think the Essie is my favourite :)

    Lauren x |

  6. Ohhh, I love them. The Rimmel looks gorgeous.

    Sarah | <3

  7. I love all three of these too much to choose! Happy new year Cherry! xx

    1. Happy New Year Laura - maybe 2016 is the year we finally get to meet up!

  8. Fringe Factor is such a stunning festive colour! You can't go wrong with an Essie nail polish! x

  9. Gorgeous nails, i love the green metallic flecks!


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