Cherry Pie : The Sunday Catch Up #2

19 January 2014

The Sunday Catch Up #2

Yummy roast! / Kiko hair dye / First signs of spring / More flowers!

Follow me on Instagram - @cherryp13

Another week gone yet pay day is still so far away! For some reason I have no money left, eek! I guess the £50 on a new tyre didn't help but other than that I'm not really sure what I've spent it on. I didn't go on a massive clothes shopping spree but I did have to pay for the food shopping, so I guess that has something to do with it.

At least February means no council tax so that's a nice bit of extra money! I really need to pay off my Very account though so might look into starting to pay that back, haha. I've told Vince that during the weekend I get paid we're taking a shopping trip to Bristol as I have lots of vouchers to spend and I guess I will treat him to lunch as well. Aren't I a kind girlfriend? I suppose I'll owe him as he will probably drive.

This week will probably be forever known as sofa-gate. For ages now I've been moaning about our corner sofa because all the cushions always come out and they went all lumpy so looked really messy. So, to stop the moaning Vince went out and bought a new sofa… I came home from work one evening without a clue and there it was. To say I wasn't happy was an understatement so there was a bit of drama which followed. However, my mum told me to stop being a grump as Vince was just trying to do something nice for me and it is a really nice thing to do. I'm a bit more used to them now but I want to get lots of cushions to go on them, I'm just not really sure what goes with brown.

This week was also the week that Vince and I finished watching Breaking Bad. Now we're completely lost in the evenings and don't know what to watch, but it was so, SO good! I'm so glad we started watching it and I can't believe we were so behind everyone. I don't want to spoil it for anyone but if you haven't watched it yet, you really should.

Not much else to report back on! How was your week?


  1. That roast looks amazing! I'm waiting for my Sunday roast to be ready at the minute and you've just made me very hungry! Ha ha! I started watching the last season of Breaking Bad yesterday! I dont want it to end! If you like Breaking Bad so much you'll probably like Dexter if you haven't seen it already! :) x

    Molly's Beauty Spot | A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. I've heard Dexter is good, might suggest it to Vince!

  2. yummmm roast! I really need to watch Breaking Bad, i do feel like i'm missing out!

  3. I miss breaking bad too haha!

  4. Gosh I still haven't got round to watching Breaking Bad, must add that to my list this week. That roast looks incredible! And I'm sure you'll come to love the new sofa once you've had a Primark and H&M Home spree ;)

  5. I hate living pay cheque to pay cheque - I really need to sort myself out! Have a fun shopping day, vouchers always burn a hole in my pocket and I need to spend them stright away.

  6. My mother and aunt talk non-stop about Breaking Bad and have yet to rope me into their evening festivities watching it! I suppose I must get started with it! And that roast looks delicious, by the way. :)


  7. That roast looks amazing! Is it wrong that it's making me crave one this early on a Tuesday morning?! Have fun shopping! :) xx

    El -


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