Cherry Pie : Five blogs for great beauty

5 February 2016

Five blogs for great beauty

Five blogs for great beauty

Hello and happy Friday!

Today I thought I'd start a new mini-series featuring some of my favourite blogs around. It's always nice to share the love and I know how great it feels when another blogger recognises your hard work so I wanted to tell some of my favourite bloggers how much I love them.

I'm not going to commit to this being a weekly thing as I have a lot of posts planned out already so I'm not sure this would slot into a weekly spot so I'll do it as and when I can. I think I have probably featured a couple if not all of these girls on the blog in the past but because they are still ones I check on a daily basis and because they are my go-to when it comes to beauty, I couldn't not include them here.

So without further ado, here are my five favourite blogs for beauty!

Hope Freedom Love
Stephanie's blog is absolutely fab and one I check very regularly for the latest beauty news. I really enjoyed her recent Budget Beauty Week, it was such a great idea and it really appealed to me as I'm a high-street beauty girl through and through. My favourite thing about Stephanie's blog is her Thursday Tittle-Tattle posts, which give me news about the latest beauty releases. As a fellow blogger I find this really helpful and I often note down the dates products are being released so I can make sure I pick them up when I'm next shopping.

Hayley's blog is another one that I really enjoy for highstreet beauty. We get sent a lot of the same products for review so I'm always really interested to read her opinions on the same products I've tried, although unlike mine Hayley's isn't review after review as she tends to throw favourites posts and wishlists into the mix as well, all of which I really enjoy. I also can't get over how much Hayley posts, she is absolutely on fire with regular, quality content. I could learn a thing or two from her!

Tales of a Pale face
I'm planning a 'five blogs for great photography' post in the future and it was really tricky to decide whether to feature Kat in that post or this one. I suppose I could do both because she's knocking them both out of the park. Whenever I look at Kat's blog I feel super inspired. I really enjoy the mix of highstreet and more higher end beauty, I think she does both really well.

Jodie Loue
Jodie's blog was another that would easily fit into the great photography slot as well. Her blog is one of my more recent finds, I probably discovered it towards the end of last year but I click onto it almost daily and it's another one that inspired me to up my own blogging game. This is another blog that mixes things up a bit too and doesn't just settle on review after review, she features lots of products all in one post, much like a magazine would for an article and this is something I just love in the blogging world and wish I would do more of!

The Sunday Girl
Every day I pop onto my blogger feed and every day Adrienne has loads of new blog posts published ready for me to read. I feel like there's definitely something for everyone on every budget and I love the variety. It is quite a review heavy blog, which is by no means a bad thing, but alongside the traditional reviews Adrienne also pumps out some really interesting, well written and researched posts and some super helpful blog advice pieces too. The Sunday Girl is absolutely a daily read for me and yet another blog/blogger who I look up to immensely.

So there you have it, my five favourite blogs for beauty. Be sure to leave me a comment with your favourite beauty blogs so I can check them out and you never know, maybe discover some new loves. Also be sure to give the lovely ladies featured a follow!


  1. Cherry, you're such a babe! This just made my Friday morning, thank you SO much!

    Stephanie xxx


  2. Thank you for the list of blogs. I'm having a look at them right now. Happy weekend from Barcelona!

  3. I Love Haysparkle! Ill have to give the others a read, too!
    some of my faves are
    I hope you enjoy them too!

  4. So many more blogs which I can check out!
    Charlotte //

    1. Love discovering new blogs, hope you find some new faves!

  5. Lovely post I love finding new blogs - I also really love Jodie's blog, she does a great job doesn't she?!

    Lucy | Forever September

  6. You know I don't actually follow any of these blogs so thank you so much I have some new inspiration xxx

  7. Thank you soooooo much for the love and kind words Cherry! Mwah xxx

  8. Ahh yay, I couldn't not feature your blog!

  9. I love Sunday girl, she's my absolute fave! xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie


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