Cherry Pie : Debenhams Summer Sun Bouquet

10 August 2015

Debenhams Summer Sun Bouquet

Debenhams Summer Sun Bouquet
Debenhams Summer Sun Bouquet
Debenhams Summer Sun Bouquet
Debenhams Summer Sun Bouquet
Debenhams Summer Sun Bouquet
Debenhams Summer Sun Bouquet

Is there anything better than receiving a bunch of flowers? I'm not just talking about a bunch of flowers from the local supermarket either, but a proper, gorgeous bouguet such as the next day flowers service from Debenhams flowers.

I was very kindly sent a beautiful bouquet to feature on the blog and I am so, so impressed. My sister recently bought me some sunflowers, which were gorgeous so I was going to buy myself some more, until a very exciting email popped into my inbox asking if I'd like to try Debenhams' flowers by post service.

I actually had no idea Debenhams did this kind of service. There are lots of different bouquets to choose from ranging from around the £20 mark up to the £40+ mark. There's the option to make your bouquets bigger for a few extra pounds too, so you can really get something showstopping!

I received my flower delivery via Royal Mail the very next day after ordering. They came in a huge box, were well wrapped and protected and even came with a little instruction booklet.

On opening the box I was greeted with a super sunny and amazing smelling display of flowers, from roses to sunflowers and lots of greenery inbetween too. I absolutely made the right choice, the bouquet is perfect for brightening up any space and they look fab in my nice new home!

I would absolutely use this service again, not just to order flowers for myself but for someone else for a special occasion or a birthday. You really get good value for money with these bouquets, even if you go for the cheaper ones, they're still stunning.

If you fancy getting yourself some flowers to brighten up the place then use the code DFBLOG25 for 25% off a bouquet, excluding the 'flowers by post' range.

Will you be trying the Debenhams Flowers service? Let me know in the comments.

*This post contains a PR sample.


  1. They are so bright and beautiful, sunflowers are my favourite! xx

  2. Well I am a sucker for any flowers, so I will definitely be looking into these x

  3. Wow, these are so pretty =]

  4. This is such a beautiful bouquet! I love sunflowers!

    Katya | The Beauty Harbour


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