Cherry Pie : My piercings

5 March 2014

My piercings

Body jewellery from and*

I thought this week I would sit you all down and tell you about my piercings! Haha. I'm not sure how I really got into piercings… I got my ears pierced for the first time when I was around seven and it was done at a tattoo parlour in Southsea where my Nan and Grandad used to live and I guess it was all downhill from there…

I now have three piercings in each lobe. I got my belly button pierced when I was 13. Looking back I can't believe my mum let me do it to be honest but I remember it well. I wanted it done for absolutely ages and it was done again at a tattoo parlour, but this time in Weston-super-Mare. I thought it would hurt loads but it really didn't. It was absolutely fine but I wasn't keen on being made to hold the clamp myself while the piercer did it, burgh.

I then got my nose pierced in year nine and it's now probably one of my favourite piercings. I also have a tragus piercing (the blue stone) and a Daith piercing, according to Google.

If someone were to ask me why I have my piercings I wouldn't really know what to say. I have them because I like them. I usually get them on quite a whim, which is probably not a good idea but I don't regret any of them. I did have a Rook piercing but it didn't heal properly and I had to get it taken out but I'm planning on getting a few more. I'd quite like a tragus piercing on my other ear and perhaps cartilage piercings at the top.

At the moment I'm wearing fake cartilage rings from and its sister site, which I think actually look really authentic. The websites are fab for all those bits of jewellery you want to get hold of but can't really go to a shop and get. I absolutely hate going to try and find nose studs so this is really handy. There is so much to choose from and even if you don't want jewellery, you can even find tools for piercing and stretching as well as hair dyes, nail polish, fancy dress and loads more.

I would compare the websites to those 'alternative' shops you would get in little shopping centres that sold different clothing, body jewellery and stripy tights! I used to love them but my local one shut down so it was more difficult to get hold of piercing jewellery. I will definitely be revisiting to stock up on supplies as the prices are really reasonable and delivery is super quick.

Let me know what piercings you have or are planning to have in the comments. I'm planning on a conch piercing next, eek!

This post contains PR samples


  1. Besides one piercing in each lobes, my first piercing was my nose. I don't have it anymore because it closed a few years ago after I didn't put anything in it for a while. I don't know why I let it close because I liked it a lot and plan on getting it re-pierced soon.
    Then I got my belly button pierced. I always found it to be sexy but never really thought about it for myself until one college teacher told me something personnal and I got it pierced that evening!
    Just before Christmas I got my tragus pierced and I thought it would hurt like hell but no! This was just dream of a piercing :)

    1. My tragus didn't hurt at all, I love it. Shame you let your nose piercing close!

  2. I love ear piercings, I've had my tragus, rook, lobes and second lobes done and want more!

    Ellen xx

  3. one in each ear lobe, nose (hurt the most by far) and belly button, was going to get a dermal eye one too but chickened out at the last minute!

    1. I didn't find my nose hurt that much although it did make my eyes water! Eek Dermal's look painful.

  4. I have nine piercings all on my ears and I really love them. It's something to look forward to planning my next piercing xx

  5. I love piercings. I have 3 in each lobe, 3 cartilage, inner helix, daith, tragus and belly. I got all my piercings on a whim

    1. That's the best way to get them on a whim!

  6. I love piercings! I've got 11 in my ears: lobes on both x3, my tragus on both, rook and helix on my left, and my daith on my right. I really want to get my nose pierced. Your conch will look fab! x

    1. Wow, grt! I'm still trying to decide on the conch. I want another tragus I think first.

  7. I'd love to get cartilage piercings, but right now i just like wearing my cuffs haha! x

    A Little Treat | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. I've been put off cartilage piercings as my sister nearly fainted when she got one. I'm wearing a cuff in the pic above and I love it!

  8. i love piercings too, i have 4 going up each lobe, tragus, anti-tragus, rook, conch, top cartilage, inner helix and belly button! used to have nose too

    1. oh wow, lots then. Did the conch hurt?

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