December 2012Cherry Pie : December 2012

31 December 2012

Toni & Guy: Hair Meet Wardrobe

Toni & Guy: Hair Meet Wardrobe
Boots - Toni & Guy: Hair Meet Wardrobe - £5

Toni & Guy: Hair Meet Wardrobe
I recently picked this up in the Boots sale for half price! I didn't exactly need any more hair products but I loved the tin packaging and thought it was really cute. Always a good reason to buy new things, if you ask me!

The giftset includes a Cleanse Shampoo for Dry Hair, Cleanse Conditioner for Dry Hair, Casual Sea Salt Texturising Spray and two pearl spin pins.

I have quite dry, damaged hair with split ends. It's quite flyaway and I can't really do much with it but I found the shampoo and conditioner helped it look a lot smoother and sleeker and it made it lovely and soft and fluffy. My sister commented and said she thought it didn't show the split ends as much as normal, which I'll take as a compliment.

Salt spray doesn't really do much for my hair but I think the shampoo and conditioner are definitely worth paying for this giftset. It's a great way to trial Toni & Guy products before splashing out on the full-size products. It's also a great idea to pick it up now while it's half price and put it aside for a gift for someone next year.

I hope you all have a great time celebrating the New Year tonight!

30 December 2012

My 2012 in photos

Follow me on Instagram - @cherryp13

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! I took a little tiny break from blogging for a few days so I could enjoy the festivities. They consisted mainly of eating until I burst, watching Daisy opening her presents and cooing over my own!

I got lots of lovely presents, including a Macbook Air from Vince! I'm such a lucky girl! I spent Christmas morning at home with Vince opening our presents until he had to go to work. I then went to my sisters for breakfast and to see Daisy open all her presents. She had tons! I ate lunch at my mums and then later in the evening went to Vince's parents for yet more food and the Eastenders Christmas special.

It was a lovely day and now it's not long until the New Year. I'm not sure what we're doing for New Year as I don't know if Vince is going to be working or not, but while we're on the subject, I thought I would do what most other bloggers are doing and put together a 2012 round up post!

This is quite possibly the most image heavy post I've ever written. I think 2012 has been a pretty great year to be honest.I started the year off by getting a work experience placement, which then led to a full time position. That was one of my New Year's resolutions ticked off my list!

2012 has really been the year of consuming vast amounts of food. I wouldn't be able to count the amount of takeaways I've had this year. I thought I could perhaps give them up in 2013, but I don't think that will really last long if I'm honest.

The real highlights of 2012 have got to be going to London with Vince and our friends to see Coldplay. It was a gig like no other and the atmosphere was crazy, it was certainly a great weekend. Another top moment was Daisy's first birthday, which was a lovely Alice in Wonderland themed afternoon! I can't believe she's now one and a half, it doesn't seem possible. She is growing into a cheeky monkey!

Summer wasn't too bad this year and consisted of quite a few walks along the seafront as well as visit to the pier and even a paddle in the sea!

2012 was also the year that Vince and I finally got our own place. We're completely settled now since we moved in September and it's lovely having our own place, even if it does mean having to do our own washing and cleaning!

I'm not sure what 2013 is going to bring, but lets hope it's even better than 2012. Happy New Year!
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